The Legend Hunter's Club
Which creatures of legend are hidden inside each family tourist destination in Catalonia?

The Fire-Breathing Beast of Cambrils

If you look carefully at the façade of the church of Santa Maria de Cambrils, you will be able to spot it. La Farnaca is a mythological figure with a body that is half bird, half reptile, with goat horns and the tail and mane of a lion. The leisurely, majestic and calm way he walks makes him the centre of attention when he goes out into the street or when he presides over the correfoc (a firework spectacle through the streets). He loves people and is always willing to take part in any activity. Luckily, he can fly, swim, fight and even climb the mountain as if it were an easy task. You can see this fire beast every time the town’s festival is celebrated and on other special occasions. He loves the Catalan bestiary dances and will never miss a Nit de Foc or “Night of Fire” in Cambrils or the lively encounters of the Bèsties de Foc, or “Fire Beasts”. If you go to Cambrils for its festa major you will find him there, dancing and spitting fire from his mouth.

Come and learn about
Cambrilsas a family
The creatures of legend from nature and the mountains
The Shepherd of La Vall de Camprodon
Princess Pyrenee of the Pyrenees – Noguera Pallaresa
The Siren of Els Ports
The Boy From the Muntanyes de Prades
The Enchantresses of La Vall de Boí
The manairons of Les Valls D’àneu
The Bark Man of La Vall d’en Bas – Les Preses
The Witches of Pedraforca Berga
The legendary creatures of the coast
The Water Fairies of Roses
The Countess of Molins de Sant Pere Pescador
The Queen of the Mermaids of Torroella de Montgrí – L’Estartit
The Pumpkin Ghost of Calonge – Sant Antoni
The Snake of Castell – Platja d’Aro
The Sperm Whale of Sant Feliu de Guíxols
The Hornless Devil of Lloret de Mar
The Invincible Warrior of Blanes
The Giant Bat of Maglrat de Mar
The Water Lady of Santa Susanna
Dragut the Young Pirate From Pineda de Mar
The Wolf of Calella
Gar I Got the Dragon of Castelldefels
Juanita the Carp From Vilanova I La Geltrú
Imilke the Iberian Lady of Calafell
Caramot the Dragon of Vendrell
The Maidens of Vila-Seca La Pineda Platja
The Fire-Breathing Beast of Cambrils
Dragut the Old Pirate of Salou
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