The Legend Hunter's Club
Which creatures of legend are hidden inside each family tourist destination in Catalonia?

The Wolf of Calella

A local legend from the first half of the 20th century tells the story of the wolf of Calella. This true story begins when a peasant from the town, Francesc Coll, known as Quico from the house of the Urrel·li, one afternoon, in the town tavern, declares that he has seen a wolf roaming his land. Alarmed, the inhabitants of Calella decided to organise a raid to capture him, so that they could live in peace. Once the beast was dead, and when the whole town was talking about it, a very distressed woman who lived in a farmhouse between Sant Pol and Calella appeared. She was looking for her German Shepherd who was lost. The wolf who everyone had feared turned out to be Mrs. Montaner’s dog, who had been killed because of its appearance, and because of people’s ignorance. This is how this dog became part of the legend and history of Calella.

Come and learn about
Calellaas a family
The creatures of legend from nature and the mountains
The Shepherd of La Vall de Camprodon
Princess Pyrenee of the Pyrenees – Noguera Pallaresa
The Siren of Els Ports
The Boy From the Muntanyes de Prades
The Enchantresses of La Vall de Boí
The manairons of Les Valls D’àneu
The Bark Man of La Vall d’en Bas – Les Preses
The Witches of Pedraforca Berga
The legendary creatures of the coast
The Water Fairies of Roses
The Countess of Molins de Sant Pere Pescador
The Queen of the Mermaids of Torroella de Montgrí – L’Estartit
The Pumpkin Ghost of Calonge – Sant Antoni
The Snake of Castell – Platja d’Aro
The Sperm Whale of Sant Feliu de Guíxols
The Hornless Devil of Lloret de Mar
The Invincible Warrior of Blanes
The Giant Bat of Maglrat de Mar
The Water Lady of Santa Susanna
Dragut the Young Pirate From Pineda de Mar
The Wolf of Calella
Gar I Got the Dragon of Castelldefels
Juanita the Carp From Vilanova I La Geltrú
Imilke the Iberian Lady of Calafell
Caramot the Dragon of Vendrell
The Maidens of Vila-Seca La Pineda Platja
The Fire-Breathing Beast of Cambrils
Dragut the Old Pirate of Salou
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