Ten ways to experience Catalan cuisine

The rich gastronomy to be found in Catalonia is immense, and it is the task of the host to show their guests the most significant gems of their land. That is why we recommend that you take note of these 10 essential tips to experience true Catalan cuisine.

1. Come to the market

Stroll around the market stalls and buy some local and seasonal products.

Mercat de Vic

Vic market / ACT

2. Try ‘pa amb tomàquet’ (Catalan tomato bread)

Cheeses and cold meats are even tastier on a slice of bread with tomato, oil and salt.

Pa amb tomàquet / Pere Pons

Pa amb tomàquet (Catalan tomato bread) / Pere Pons

3. Savour the calçots

Roast the calçots from these harvested shoots on the grill, dip this unique onion in the accompanying sauce and drink wine from a porró (traditional wine pitcher).

Chargrilled calçots / Lluís Carro

4. Taste the wines and Cavas

In a modernist cooperative, surrounded by vineyards or at the table of a good restaurant.

Una parella fa un tast de vins a la Catedral del Vi a Pinell del Brai / Gemma Miralda

Taste wines in a modernist cooperative / Gemma Miralda

5. Soak up the oil with your bread

Stroll through ancient olive tree groves, visit an oil mill and finish the day off with a tasting and experience the pleasure of the taste of bread which has soaked up a delicious olive oil.

Oli de Ventalló

Discover the taste of our oils / Oli de Ventalló

6. Follow the seasonal calendar

Every season of the year surprises us with its products. Choose yours!

Pomme de Girona

Apples from Girona

7. Cast a line

Experience the Catalan fishing tradition accompanied by a local fisherman. Wade into the sea!

Traditional Catalan fishing

8. Put on your apron

Discover the best kept secrets of Catalan cuisine from its leading chefs.

Corso di cucina a © bcnKITCHEN.

Cooking course / bcnKITCHEN

9. Take a seat at the table

Taste and savour the most traditional and creative recipes offered by the wide range of Catalan restaurants.

Restaurant El Clot dels Mussols

Restaurant El Clot dels Mussols / ACT

10. Book Online

Wine, oil, seafood, cheeses, cold meats, rice dishes, biscuits, preserves, sweets… If you already have a clear idea of your gastronomic route through Catalonia, enter the website and book your experience at experience.catalunya.com