Climb Montserrat in the rack railway

Do you want to enjoy a fantastic day that combines nature and culture? Come to Montserrat Mountain. Ride the rack railway from Monistrol de Montserrat and enjoy spectacular panoramic views along the way through its panoramic windows. You will reach the sanctuary compound in just 15 minutes.

Then the art at the Museum of Montserrat created by Josep Puig i Cadafalch in 1929 awaits you. There are up to six very different collections and over 1,300 pieces of art covering a wide chronological period and artists as different as Fortuny, Rusiñol, Casas, Nonell, Anglada Camarasa, Picasso and Dalí, among others.

When: Year-round

Organized by: Museum of Montserrat

08199 Abadia de Montserrat

Tel. +34 938 777 745

Montserrat Rack Railway

Tel. +34 932 521 480