Catalonia rocks

They say that music crosses borders. In this case, it’s the soundtrack to and the ideal connection for three campaigns featuring Catalonia. The Catalan Tourist Board has chosen the song ‘Petar-ho’ by by the band Oques Grasses to take our country around the world.

It’s a song which is passion, freedom and discovery like a stroll in a nature park in the Catalan Pyrenees after the rain. A melody that rocks like the Grand Tour of Catalonia packed with enthralling landscapes, culture, tradition and cuisine.

Just let yourself go like a butterfly, as the song says. Enjoy the great journey which awaits you. An invitation to feel free to explore the territory, savour the little moments along the way and remember them forever. Allow the music to come with you and make you dream. 

The notes in Oques Grasses’ song take you to stunning natural areas steeped in history and UNESCO World Heritage sites. They reveal the magic of cities with character, seaside towns and picturesque villages. They are outstanding travelling companions on the route across the landscapes of Catalonia which inspired geniuses such as Gaudí, Picasso, Miró and Casals

Catalonia could be the journey of a lifetime… and there are journeys that you never want to end. Let’s rock!

 ‘Petar-ho’ – Oques grasses

Vull petar-ho davant del mirall
Vull petar-ho tots els dies de l’any
Com una butterfly
Com una butterfly que no la palma mai
Vull petar-ho davant del mirall
Vull petar-ho tots els dies de l’any
Com una butterfly
Com una butterfly que no la palma mai
Come and get all you want it’s your life
All your shadows and lalala lights
Doesn’t matter if you want it that’s fine
Whathever what they say it’s alright
Iee it’s alright, alright, alright

Quan tot
És tan gran i tan petit
Tan merda i tan bonic
Tan pobre però tan ric
Que visc somiant que visc
Tan gran i tan petit
Tan merda i tan bonic
Tan pobre però tan ric

Vull petar-ho davant del mirall
Vull petar-ho tots els dies de l’any
Com una butterfly
Com una butterfly
Que no la palma mai

I have a dream, I have a dream, I have a dream
Oh, I have a dream, I have a dream, I have a dream
Saps que ets flipant
Encara que surtis del fang
Que són flipants les tonteries importants
Que pots tenir el món als teus peus dient-te que t’estima molt

Però no pots creure en tu
Si no t’estimes tu
Saps que ets flipant
Encara que surtis del fang
Que som flipants quan oblidem que ens hem fet mal
Que pots tenir el món als teus peus dient-te que t’estima molt
Però no pots creure en tu
Si no t’estimes tu

Quan tot
És tan gran i tan petit
Tan merda i tan bonic
Tan pobre però tan ric
Que visc somiant que visc
Tan gran i tan petit
Tan merda i tan bonic
Tan pobre però tan ric
Que visc somiant que visc (alright)
Quan menys hi penso és quan més ho peto.