Let’s head to the farm, families!

Enjoy life in the countryside, joining in with all the tasks to take care of the animals. Learn how artisanal products and food are made and, if you feel like it, you can help take care of the fields and crops. You have 365 days to experience life as a farmer!

Welcome to the farm life is an initiative of the Government of Catalonia which aims to give more prominence to the rural world, inland tourism and Km 0 Catalan gastronomy.

Throughout the year, Catalan farmers, breeders and producers open their fields, farms and workrooms to visitors. The aim is to learn more about the work of farmers up close, to understand where what we consume is grown and to fill your home kitchen with products directly from the producers. A unique opportunity to teach your children that products do not come from the fridge.

Mas Garganta

Mas Garganta

Welcome to farm life organises guided activities in which you can visit farms from all over the territory, taste special menus with local products in selected restaurants and enjoy accommodation with special offers, as well as many other activities organised for the occasion.

On the Costa Daurada you will discover the family company Oli Enrenou that produces extra virgin olive oil. You will visit their mill and get to see the whole production process: cultivation, harvesting, milling, packaging and the final product. You will also participate in the olive harvest (depending on the season) and you will discover the various colours that olives can have. Hint: They’re not just green or black!

Festa del pagès

What do you know about the world of chestnuts? In Viladrau they want to share all their knowledge of them with the families that come and visit! Joaquim Soler has a farm dedicated to the recovery of hundred-year-old chestnut trees. Here he will show you what the whole process is like: how they take care of the trees in a sustainable way, how they collect the chestnuts and how the wood is also used, through the pruning of the trees. In addition, you can also take advantage of the visit to take home a delicious bag of chestnuts.

For families with children who want to see animals, visiting the Guirigall farm will be quite an experience. The Colomer family is dedicated to the breeding of the Gall del Penedès, a breed of cockerel specific to the area. You will visit the pens and see what they eat and how they live. You will also uncover some interesting facts… The farm is surrounded by vineyards, so they use the grape seeds to grind up and make feed for the cockerels. Sustainable and local agriculture!

Get along to Welcome to farm life, there are a whole range of producers and farmers waiting for your visit, to show you how they live and work in the countryside. The world of farming opens its doors to you, families!